Frequently Asked Questions

We can request an application from your veterinarian who participates in our certificate program. If you do not have a follow-up veterinarian or if you make a request from abroad, when you apply to our center, you are evaluated by our specialists and directed to the nearest certified clinic or hospital. Our assistants will contact you directly for an appointment.

A small sample of the oil is taken under general anesthesia so your dog and cat will not feel any discomfort during the procedure. This is a very quick and small operation that is usually done within one day. If done in the morning, your pet will likely go home by the end of the day. If done later in the day, an overnight stay may be required.

Your dog or cat's stem cells will be ready to be injected after 3 to 4 weeks.

Although extremely rare, in autologous applications, all anesthetics and sedations during adipose tissue delivery carry a very small potential risk and there is a very small risk of infection associated with joint injection. All possible precautions are taken to minimize risks. NOTE: It may be inconvenient to use in cancer and systemic infections.
These procedures have a short recovery time and your pet will likely go home the same day. For intra-articular applications only, we usually recommend resting for 2 days. 
This varies from case to case, but we expect to see improvements after about 10 to 14 days.
The effects of stem cell therapy vary depending on which treatment you receive, but can last from 8 months to 3 years or longer on average, although this still varies from person to person. We also use cryopreservation (freeze storage). This means we can potentially freeze your dog's stem cells in order to request additional stem cell therapy in the future. This is true for dogs with autoimmune conditions and arthritis, and repeated treatment after six or 12 months may be beneficial. Frozen cells are stored for up to 10 years.
Allogeneic applications are made from cells taken from the umbilical cord. In many cases, cells from your pet will be injected into them (autologous therapy). This minimizes the risk of any adverse reactions.
Studies are underway to cover stem cell therapy and pet insurance policies. We will announce the developments to our members on our website.